Gentle and Effective Conversation Starters for When Home Care May Be Needed

talking about home care

talking about home careSo you’ve decided it’s becoming unsafe for your elderly loved one to remain at home alone. Introducing the idea of a caregiver, however, is often met with objections. Who wants to admit that they can no longer manage on their own? And who wants a “stranger” coming into the house each day, taking over the things you’ve always done for yourself?

The aging care experts at Visiting Angels are all too familiar with these feelings, and have compiled the following conversation starters to help make the discussion less threatening:

Increasing Frailty:
“I love you very much and I’m worried about your safety and wellbeing. I know someone who can help us with tips to make it easier for you to get around the house and remain as independent as possible. Can I have her come over to talk with us?”

Falling or Difficulty with Mobility:
“I’m worried about you falling and hurting yourself when there is no one around to help. I know someone who can come and give us tips on how to make you and your home safer from falls. Can I set up an appointment for her to come over and talk with us?”

Declining Personal Hygiene:
“I think it may be time to have someone come to help you out at home with a few things. Let’s work together to come up with a solution that makes us both comfortable. We can work together to select your caregiver and I won’t leave you with someone you feel uncomfortable with. The agency and I will make every effort to find someone who shares similar interests with you and before you know it, I bet you and your caregiver will become good friends.”

Can No Longer Drive:
“I know you miss the independence of having a car and being able to get out as often as you would like. If you hire a home care assistant for a few hours several times a week, you could do the things again that you’ve been missing, like shopping, visiting friends, and running to the bank.”

These conversations can be challenging, and it’s important to remember that your loved one may not be receptive to the idea of home care at first. Stay positive, and try to ease into the idea if objections seem strong at first.

For more tips on non-confrontational and gentle ways to discuss at-home care with your senior loved one, contact the elder care professionals at Visiting Angels. We are locally owned and operated, and have been helping families throughout Santa Clara County and Alameda County with senior care services since 2003, providing peace of mind, joy, and independence. Call us at 408-735-0977 in Sunnyvale or 510-284-0000 in Fremont to learn more.